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附《飛行備忘》  及《光明卻沒有背離黑暗》文本

As Shards of Dawn Shot Though the Dark

Lo Lai Lai Natalie
Exhibition Catalogue, conversation, and essays


Original Price: HK$360.00
Early Bird Discount: HK$288

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Please fill in the following form for placing your order (postal delivery or pick up in Wan Chai or Sham Shui Po) Please scroll down to the bottom


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A Set of catalogue

主畫冊138 pp  連拉頁,裝幀布鎖線膠裝,柯式彩色印刷 Exhibition Catalogue 138pp with spread, Book binding cloth,thread sewing perfect binding, Offset Colour Printing

2 booklets, 44pp and 24pp蝴蝶釘 saddle stitch binding(butterfly stitches)

首 101 套為藝術家簽名本及附收藏級藝術噴墨紙本小作 (18x10.2cm) 乙張 , 款式隨機。

The first 101 sets come with a signed copy by the artist and ONE archival fine art inkjet print on paper (18x10.2cm). 2 copies available, 1 picked at random.

郵購或灣仔/深水埗自取 Postal Delivery OR Pick Up ; 少量於 ACO、 字字研究所、Wure Area、Para Site Shop 銷售 Limited sales in ACO, Word Word Bookstore, Wure Area、Para Site Shop (available soon)



2024 年過了一個季度,才緩緩重啟今年初閉幕《光明卻沒有背離黑暗》展覽的紀錄部分,出版了這套圖冊,可謂以一個完備的紀錄作結。雖然這個出版沒有太多千奇百怪的裝裱,但祈在務實的編輯及設計中立體呈現一個人展覽的紀錄,也感激能藉這次機會把影像作品的文本獨立出版。展覽圖冊現正接受訂購,行動迅速者可獲簽名本及收藏級紙本小作,詳情可見下文,新書分享會及放映會將於稍後公佈。嘿,歡迎沒來的朋友也可入手一本看看!



1) 展覽導言、對談、相關文章及作品圖冊
2) 另附《飛行備忘》  及《光明卻沒有背離黑暗》兩個影像作品的文本
3) 黑色燙黑金文件夾。早鳥優惠價HK$288(原價 HK$368)

首 101 套為藝術家簽名本及附收藏級藝術噴墨紙本小作 (18x10.2cm) 乙張 , 款式隨機。

The theme of As Shards of Dawn Shot Though the Dark can be summed up as the struggle in pursuit of “surrender" or the momentary emergence of clarity in self-questioning. Without seeking transcendence, let time pass, one phase comes to an end, and another phase continues day and night, night and day.

After a quarter of the year in 2024, the record and documentation of the exhibition As Shards of Dawn Shot Though the Dark slowly restarted and published this set of catalogues, bringing the exhibition to a complete conclusion. Although this publication does not have extravagant packaging, it presents a solid record of a solo exhibition through humble editing and design. I am grateful for the opportunity to independently publish the textual content of the visual works. The exhibition catalog is now available for order, and those who act quickly can receive a signed copy and an archival print on paper. Details can be found below, and the book launch and screening will be announced later. Hey, even friends who couldn't pay a visit to Shenzhen are welcome to get a copy!

I sincerely appreciate the longtime support of friends like Jeon Younghwa, Qu Chang, and Anthony Yung, who made the exhibition As Shards of Dawn Shot Though the Dark and the related publishing project a success. I would also like to thank the team at Enclave Contemporary for their strong assistance, especially the designer Guo Lian, who made the final sprint with me for this publication! I am also grateful for the responses and sharing of Qu Chanf, Qing Mei, Pamela, and others, allowing me to include articles in this exhibition catalog.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all the family and friends who have supported me over the years.

The exhibition catalog of As Shards of Dawn Shot Though the Dark is now available for order. It includes

1) an introduction to the exhibition, dialogues, related articles, and a catalog of works.

2) It also includes the texts of the two video works, A Messenger – Passerby in Out Battlefields and As Shards of Dawn Shot Though the Dark, and

3) a black foil-stamped folder.

The early bird price is HK$288 (original price HK$368).

The first 101 sets come with a signed copy by the artist and ONE archival fine art inkjet print on paper (18x10.2cm). 2 copies available, 1 picked at random.*

自序 Preface P15

展覽導言/ 鄭文煜 Exhibition Introductory Text / Zheng Wenyu P17

我拒絕你叫人堅信黑暗中總有燭光 —— 展覽對談回顧/ 勞麗麗及翁子健
I Reject Your Call to Believe that !ere is Always a Candle in the Darkness: a review of the conversation on the exhibition / Lo Lai Lai Natalie and Anthony Yung P19

夜以繼日/ 瞿暢 Nights and Days / Qu Chang P41

決定面對之後——評勞麗麗《光明卻沒有背離黑暗》/ 李清美 The Aftermath of Confrontation—A review on Lo Lai Lai Natalie’s As Shards of Dawn Shot Though the Dark / Melody Qingmei Li P51
展覽圖冊 Exhibition Catalogue P55
近距離:勞麗麗/ Pamela Wong Up Close: Lo Lai Lai Natalie / Pamela Wong P117
藝術家回應 / 勞麗麗 Artist's Response / Lo Lai Lai Natalie P119
藝術家覆歷 Artist Biography and Curriculum Vitae P123

鳴謝 Acknowledgement P127

附錄:《光明卻沒有背離黑暗》&《飛行備忘》文本 Scripts of As Shards of Dawn Shot Through the Dark & A Messenger - Passerby in Our Battlefelds

書刊工作小組 Booklet Working Group

出版 Publisher 飛地藝術空間 勞麗麗 Enclave Contemporary, Lo Lai Lai Natalie
主編 Chief Editor 勞麗麗 Lo Lai Lai Natalie
藝術家 Artist 勞麗麗 Lo Lai Lai Natalie
顧問 Advisor 張爾 Zhang Er
對談嘉賓 Guest Speaker in conversation 翁子健 Anthony Yung
撰文Writers 李清美 勞麗麗 瞿暢 Pamela Wong 鄭文煜 Melody Qingmei Li, Lo Lai Lai Natalie,
Qu Chang, Pamela Wong, Zhang Wenyu
編輯助理 Editorial Assistant 湯若冰 鄭文煜 Tang Ruobing, Zhang Wenyu
翻譯 Translation 陳寧 Nin Chan, Trannes Studio
攝影 Photographer 毛彥鈞 王億峰 鄭文煜 Mao Yanjun, Sour Wong, Zhang Wenyu
校對 Proofread Aurange Choi, Zhang Wenyu
設計 Designer 郭練 Guo Lian
印數 Printing 500 copies
版次 Edition 2024 年 1 月第一次印刷 繁體中文及英文版 First Edition & first printing in January 2024,
Traditional and English
版權所有,未經出版人書面許可,本畫冊任何部份不得通過電子或機械在內的任何現有或未發明的手 段進行複製、轉載或傳播。 All rights reserved. No part of this publishing may be reprinted, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without written permission of the publisher.
學術交流 文獻研究For academic research
資助 Supported by 香港藝術發展局 香港藝術發展局全力支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。 Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.
Copyright © 2024 Lo Lai Lai Natalie All rights reserved 版權所有,不得翻印。


1.本地順豐到付 Local SF Express

2. 本地平郵 HK$30

3.自取地點毋須郵費 Self-pick point, no shipping fee (不設現場銷售 No on-site sales)

灣仔GAIA Holistic Living ( 知 活 ) (available on 17 Apr Wed)
香港灣仔駱克道 212-220 號洛洋閣商業大廈 13 樓 A3 室 GAIA Holistic Living ( 知 活 ) Rm A3, 13/F, Loyong Court, No. 212-220 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
星期三、五 Wed & Fri:1400-1930
六 Sat 1400-1800 
Mon, Tue, Thur & Sun: day-off

深水埗黑窗里 Black window (available on 16 Apr Tue)
香港九龍深水埗大埔道83號 83 Tai Po Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong
星期三 Wed例休 day-off
星期四至一Thur to Mon:1230-1700; 1830-2200


少量現貨將於以下地點發售 Limited copies available in (available soon)

艺鵠 ACO 香港島灣仔區灣仔軒尼詩道365-367號|富德樓(Foo Tak Building) 14 樓 14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK (available soon)

字字研究所香港島灣仔區灣仔軒尼詩道365-367號|富德樓(Foo Tak Building) 1樓 1/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK (available soon)

Wure Area 九龍灣宏照道11號寶隆中心B座7樓07室 Flat 707, 7/F, Block B, Po Lung Centre (Car Park Entrance), 11 Wang Chui Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

Para Site Shop (available soon)

郵購或灣仔/深水埗自取 Postal Delivery OR Pick Up

郵購或灣仔/深水埗自取可填以下表格 Please fill in the following form for placing your order (postal delivery or pick up in Wan Chai/Sham Shui Po